Sunday, May 11, 2008

We've run out of boxes?

We need the money, lord knows, but apparently, the advantage of the currently favorable balance of trade (dollar sucks, meaning people want to buy our stuff so exports are booming) is passing us by because there aren't enough containers making the return trip to pick up more of our cheap goods.

Who'd have thought.

When exports were lower, the problem was reversed, with not enough longshore workers to unload all the boxes coming IN. Of course, that sounds like a bonus for labor, so maybe both ways work for at least part of the economy.

Experience or Race?

If Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee, and he loses, will it be because of his race or because of his inexperience, liberalism, and age? And if it is any of latter, will we cling to race instead because we want to make a point of it? Or if it's the former, will we acknowledge it and deal with it, or take comfort in the alternative theories?

Which is better?

So long and thanks for all the leadership

Fabian Nunez ends his time as Speaker having, as the Times article teases "put his name on major laws but hurt his image with self-indulgent spending of donations."

Dudes, so long as he was spending donations and not tax revenue then what in the hell is all the freaking out about.

Nunez has been the most effective Speaker since Brown and he did it in a post-term-limits era when the conventional wisdom was that we'd never, ever see actual Legislative leadership again. He helped prove that there's no longer a functional difference between the Assembly and Senate and single-handedly demonstrated the Assembly's dominance over the Senate.

I say, well done sir. If the worst they got you on is raising money and spending it - without screwing us out of ours or spending what we pay poorly, then you're historic-in-a-good-way in my book.