Saturday, January 26, 2008

Prop 13's Birthday

The budget crisis is bad. Really bad. And it's going to hit us at the bottom the hardest.

And despite the Governator's promise that 'we don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem', the fact is we definitely have a revenue problem.

Where did the revenue problem come from? Prop 13's massive property tax cuts crippled local governments and lead to pretty much all problems we have right now. And Prop 13 celebrates it's 30th birthday this year.

CityBeat looks back on Howard Jarvis and the passing of the Prop, with quotes from Jarvis on the effects of the cuts:

“What we’re really doing in the public school systems is nothing short of manufacturing people for the welfare rolls.”

and we don't need libraries since, "63 percent of the graduates are illiterate, anyway”

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