Sunday, February 10, 2008

Can we be car uncultured?

Blogging LA's outspoken and always thought-provoking David Markland suggests 10 ways to improve LA's public transit - most of which do less to improve public trans than to discourage car driving. Of course, that strategy probably would improve public trans if you operate on the theory that the more hostile a place is to cars and the more people that are thusly driven (ha! pun!) to buses and rail, the higher the demand for improved services would be. Or, you might just end up with some serious road rage and resistance out there.

I agree with his suggestion #4 - to install "stand to the right" signs on all escalators. Amen to that. Idea #3, though - "Ban additional conditional use and building permits for parking lots except for those adjacent to outlying MTA stops" - I'm not such a fan of. His #1 idea for the Mayor and city council to be forced to ride trans to and from city hall I agree with in so far as they all should do it every so often just to check it out, but I'm not sure about making it part of the job description.

I'd like to see suggestions for improving public trans in a way that makes it more attractive to drivers without needing to effectively punish drivers.

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