Thursday, March 13, 2008

Get Out of the Way

It seems what was suppose to be a competitive race for Speaker's Nunez's seat is just being cleared instead. Two of the top contenders, Ricardo Lara and Arturo Chavez, decided not to run after some 'pressuring' from the top Latino politicians.

Lara, who is Nunez’s district director, got into the race with the speaker’s backing. But Nunez reportedly made a decision to back Perez, the political director of the United Food and Commercial Workers and Villaraigosa’s cousin, who had the backing of Villaraigosa and Durazo.

The clearing of the field in the 46th helps begin the healing process between Nunez and Durazo, who tangled over tribal gaming compacts in the Legislature last year.

It's so nice when these types of decisions are made without the unnecessary input of us.

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